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Commercial Real Estate Disrupted

November 16, 2023

Commercial Real Estate Disrupted - Blog Image

Photo Credit Bloginnova.


当时我正在准备给圣安东尼奥行政协会做报告, 在圣安东尼奥的一个由150名小企业主组成的俱乐部里,我突然意识到,每个房地产行业都受到了互联网的巨大冲击. Here’s what happened when worlds collide.


这种颠覆始于10年前,当时电子商务席卷了购物领域. Now we can place orders for goods by computer or cell phone. 许多公司相继破产:西尔斯、凯马特、Toys Us、Borders Books、Circuit City、Pier One、Brooks Bros. and most recently Bed Bath and Beyond. 砖和砂浆变成了砖和点击,“零售的死亡”被大肆宣扬. Well, 这是一种进化,而不是大规模毁灭,因为零售商被迫适应,然后, Covid sped up the process without doubt. Now the transition is in place and retail is doing fine. 也许一个购物中心变成了曲棍球场或配送中心. 麦克雷斯购物中心变成了超级heb,温莎公园购物中心变成了Rackspace,现在谁知道还有什么. Now, retailers have gone Omnichannel, 所以砖块和咔哒声变得非常相互依赖. We will survive and thrive.


在新冠疫情开始时,工业开始了有益而非有害的破坏, when next-day delivery became very important. USAA房地产公司甚至在全国建立了100个亚马逊配送中心. You can see new 200,000平方英尺加上在圣安东尼奥建造的配送中心, especially on IH-10 East and IH-35 in Schertz. The “last mile” delivery system is fairly built out, 但现在出现了物流中心,以支持新的供应链需求. Industrial has a very bright future.


Office buildings, on the other hand, 是否正在经历对该行业所有者非常不利的颠覆. 在家工作(WFH)社会的技术开始于远程电话取代面对面的会议. 现在,随着新冠疫情的爆发,办公楼的入住率有所下降. 在圣安东尼奥,出租面积仅为80%左右,而旧标准为88%左右. But the physical occupancy may only be 50% or less. 新的工作周是周一和周五在WFH,周二、周三和周四在办公室.


Hotels are undergoing disruption, too, 因为像Airbnb和VRBO这样的短租网站的出现, and then the double whammy of Covid lockdowns. Now the “revenge travel” rebound is in full swing. Airbnb增长强劲,目前有超过700万套房屋可供出租,而之前只有500万套.3-million hotel rooms in the U.S.! 当然,在线预订现在对每个运营商来说都是常态. Computers have made dynamic pricing possible, 因此,您的房价可能会在几分钟内根据当前市场对房间的需求而变化. This has also been adopted by the Self-storage industry.

Residential Real Estate

住宅房地产与商业房地产是一个不同的世界,但破坏是没有边界的. 卖家会查看附近的房产,看看他们的房产应该要价多少, and they will find that information on realtor.com, Zillow.com and redfin.com to name a few sites that display price information. Buyers will check out listings on-line, 通过谷歌街景驾驶社区并收集其他信息, all before they ever get into a car for a tour. They may even qualify themselves for a loan on-line, too.

However, this is all the past & present. What about the future? 全国房地产经纪人协会刚刚输掉了一场所谓串通的官司. 标准做法是,住宅房地产经纪人属于一个地方董事会,其中包括多重上市服务的会员资格. 这就要求卖方的经纪人向买方的经纪人提供补偿, 金额或百分比由卖方的经纪人填写.

诉讼的焦点是这是否构成了对买方代表佣金的串通, because there was no negotiation for his commission. 这一裁决并不强制买方支付给他的经纪人,而不是由卖方支付, 但这确实意味着佣金必须作为合同的一部分进行协商, rather than just be set by the seller rep. Many agents and brokers specialize in buyer rep, and this will change, very likely lowering their income. But in a Buyer’s market, like now, 也许卖方将不得不增加买方经纪人的金额,以获得更多的展示.

Commercial Brokerage

未来,通过互联网网站开放更多的上市渠道,将对商业经纪业务产生巨大影响, like LoopNet along with greater AI enhancement.   如果买家和租客可以在网上看到所有可用的房产,并列出他们认为合适的房产清单, then the buyer/tenant rep is cut out of the business. Showings can be set up on-line, 筛选潜在客户的财务实力可以通过在线申请和信用检查来完成, 进入空间或建筑可以通过互联网控制,我想经纪人甚至业主自己可以通过他们的手机与买家/租户交谈. 合同和租约可以在网上填写,并通过电脑签署. 甚至结案基本上也可以通过移动公证人远程完成, 由于最后的授权仍然需要老式的蓝墨水湿签名. 这被称为去中介化,将中介从交易中移除.

这会减少交易双方支付的佣金吗? 取消经纪人的专业知识是否会导致双方犯下悲剧性错误? I will say from personal experience, 经纪人在多年的交易中积累的技能和知识被大大贬值了,因为在交易完成之前,他们是“免费的”. 没有人担心会浪费经纪人的大量时间, 因为它是由经纪人提供的,以试图达成交易并完成交易. 这种模式是否应该变得像律师或会计师那样,按小时收费,并收取预付金? Doubt that will ever happen.

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